Subscriptions tailored to meet your business needs

We provide flexible subscription plans based on your requirements and usage.

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Subscription Plans

Standard Plan

Best for smaller organizations that are beginning their journey to cloud analytics with smaller datasets.

From $57,500/yr

Unlimited Users

Pro Plan

ideal for mid-size organizations who have bigger datasets and want to leverage our prebuilt industry-specific templates and dashboards.

From $74,500/yr

Unlimited users

Enterprise Plan

Perfect for the larger and mature organizations with big datasets and a data science requirement for predictive analytics.

From $98,500/yr

Unlimited Users

All Plans Include

An end-to-end platform inclusive of support and services

Cloud Data Warehouse

Enterprise-grade architecture and cloud data platform powered by Snowflake® to securely store and leverage your data in the cloud.

Data Integration (ETL)

Built-in ETL and drag-and-drop visual workflow designer to connect, clean & transform your data from 250+ data sources.

Search & AI-driven Analytics

Use the latest in Search and AI-driven technology to generate insights and actionable analytics from your data in seconds.

Unlimited Users

We don’t follow a per-user licensing model. We make insights available to all users in your organization to drive better decision-making.

250+ Prebuilt Data Connectors

We make it easy for you to connect your data to PurpleCube through our prebuilt connectors, removing the hassle and headache for your team.

Support, Training & Consulting Services

Each plan includes product support and training, and a set number of days of consulting services to help your team get the most of our platform.

Plan Comparison

Flexible subscription plans that fit your needs.

* Compute hours are based on XS Virtual Data Warehouse where 1 Hour = 1 Credit
Dynamic scale up or scale down options are available
Terms and Conditions Apply


All your data analytics needs available in one platform, with flexible subscription options.


Add more computing resources and support to your plan as your business needs scale.


Build your own dashboards or choose from one of our pre-modeled B.I. dashboard templates.

Do you have custom requirements?

We can build a tailored plan for your business based on your requirements

Get in touch